
I love finding crafts...this is my blog to share with you...I will always give the link and source to the crafts...I hope you find some you will like...Let me know if you try them....

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Clean mud....

 this is the latest messy fun thing I have found...
it's all over blogs and face book...
you use one bar ivory soap...
gate it up....add one cup warm water....
 get one roll of cheap toilet paper....
 a big bowl or plastic container...
this was really to big...but added to the fun....
 have your handy helper or helpers...
pull all the paper off the roll...
while you mix up the grated soap and water...
 pour the soap/water mixture in with the toilet paper...
start kneading and smashing....
 you can roll it in a ball...
you can use cookie cutters on it...
some add food coloring...we were out...
some add a little glitter....
we kept a bucket of water near by...
for clean ups...
our hands were nice and soft...
and clean...after playing with...
the clean mud...
we will be doing this again...


  1. I love this idea! As soon as the quads get moved and settled I am going to start having a craft time with them every week. This blog of yours is going to come in SO handy!! Thanks for sharing and paving the way!

  2. Great idea! I'm going to tell daughter and daughter in law about this one, Deb.

  3. You can find and come up with the coolest ideas to keep little ones happy and occupied. This is a great idea. Hugs

  4. this is incredible and oh so easy and so much fun. i would like to play in this myself.

  5. That is so cool! Thank for sharing it, I hadn't seen this before.

  6. I don't know... Somehow, I think half the fun of mud is the muddiness of it...
